Dr Phillip G Clark received his PhD in Mathematics from Arizona State in 2005 and has been part of the faculty at Scottsdale Community College since that time. Before joining SCC, he taught at ASU, where he also received an MA in Mathematics in 2002 and before that he taught at The Ohio State University where he earned a BS in Mathematics in 2000.
He has taught from beginning algebra up through calculus. In addition to teaching, he has been very active on research projects. From 2001-2003 he worked on the Math and Parent Partnership in the Southwest (MAPPS), a grant funded through the University of Arizona Math Department. In 2004 he developed and co-taught a statistics course for elementary school teachers. From 2006-2010 he participated on the Math and Science Partnership grant through Arizona State. From 2012-2015 we was part of the Arizona Math Project (AMP), a grant led by SCC which involved working with middle school teachers as they adapt to the common core state standards.
More recently his focus has been on the development and sustainability of Open Educational Resources (OER). These are resources that are available to students for free and are currently used in all of his courses. He has given presentations all over North America regarding his (and SCC's) work with OER, including Tennessee, New Orleans, Vancouver and Guanajuato, Mexico.