SCC Faculty Directory User Guide

The SCC Faculty Directory is designed so faculty can update information on their faculty pages. Editable fields include:

  • Professional photo (headshot)
  • Biography
  • Contact information
  • Location
  • Office hours
  • Fun video
  • Course syllabus and other documents.

The SCC Faculty Directory is a public site viewable by everyone including current and prospective students, advisors, and the community. The intended audience is students.

Below you will find instructions for updating information on your faculty web page.

Log into the website

Login: Step 1

Sign into your email with your MEID and enter your password.

MCCCD login screen   enter password

Login: Step 2

In the same browser (current or new tab), go to the SCC Faculty Directory  and click the white arrow next to the login icon in the top right corner. This will reveal the blue login button. Click the blue login button and accept the technology disclosure.

click the white arrow to reveal the blue login button

Accept the agreement by clicking the blue Login with Google button at the bottom of the page.

MCCCD Technology Disclosure Acknowledgement

Note: If you are redirected to a generic Gmail login page, review the Addendum: Extra Login Step to get back on track.

Access Denied: If you see an “access denied” warning after clicking the button, you have already logged in. Return to your profile page by clicking the white login arrow in the upper right corner, then click on My account.

login icon with white arrow

Login: Step 3

Click the Send me a Push button and accept it on your device.

Duo Push authentication

Edit your page

After login, you will be taken directly to your webpage. Please review your page. For consistency in the user experience, please follow the formatting suggestions.

Edit as Faculty

Click the Edit as Faculty tab to begin editing your webpage. The link is located above your name.

Edit as faculty

These are the fields you can edit as faculty:

Tip: Gather the information and files you will need before you begin to update your page.

Enter your bio

The bio area is used to share information about yourself.

Best Practice:

  • Refrain from using ALL CAPS
  • Bold type is best used sparingly to call attention to key points
  • Italic type is used for subtle emphasis

save the page

Upload your photo

  • Please use a professional photo (headshot)
  • Image size: 600 x 600px
  • Under 650MB in size
  • Upload a PNG or JPG

If your photo is larger than 600 x 600px, the image will be resized and cropped to a square. If your photo is smaller than 600 x 600px, the image will be scaled larger and will be fuzzy.

faculty photo field

Note: After uploading your professional photo, enter your full name in the Alternative text and Title fields.

save the page

Office Hours | Summer Hours

To maintain consistency with other faculty pages, please enter your office hours in this format:

Monday: 9 - 10 am
Tuesday: 2 - 4:30 pm
Friday: 11 am - 2 pm

Monday - Thursday: 1 - 2 pm

save the page

office hours fields


This is where you can upload a PDF to display in the right sidebar on your webpage. After uploading your document, please enter a short title for the document in the Description field. The text you enter in the Description field will display as the document title on your web page.

enter a short title for your file

Repeat these steps for each document you upload, edit, or remove and Save the page.

save the page

Building and Room Number

Select your building from the dropdown list.

Enter your Room (office) Number in this format: IT-135.

select building and enter office number field


YouTube Video

To add a video hosted in YouTube, go to the page on which the video is hosted. Click the SHARE link and copy the link. Paste into the Video field as show below.

add a video field

save the page

Manage Course Syllabi

In the Edit as Faculty tab, scroll down to Manage Course Syllabi

Click Add Syllabus.

click add syllabus screenshot

Syllabus Name: Enter the syllabus name using this naming convention:
Example: ENG101 - 12345

The Syllabus Name is what displays as the PDF link so it is better to keep it consistent.

Create course syllabus screen

Syllabus File: Upload the syllabus for the class. Click Save.

save the page

Edit or Delete a syllabus:

Click Edit Syllabus to edit the Syllabus Name, upload a new syllabus, or delete the syllabus.

Click Save.

enter the syllabus title field

Repeat these steps for each syllabus you wish to upload, edit, or remove.

Tip: Please make sure you save the page each time you upload, edit or remove a syllabus.

save the page


Addendum: Extra Login Step

If you forgot to log in to your Maricopa email, you will be prompted to do so.

sign in with google screenshot

Enter your email or if an adjunct, your primary campus MEID email and click Next.

You will be redirected to the Maricopa login screen. Return to Login: Step 1 and follow the steps.